Salesforce is a flexible and extendable platform of cloud software that helps you manage customer relationships (it's the world's #1 CRM, don't you know). And that starts from the very first point of contact with a prospect and continues through customer service, marketing journeys and more. Data.com was a feature that ensured you had the most up-to-date info on your customers even before you said, "Hello."
The work here was all done in my first five months at Salesforce. The Product Marketing team included Tricia Gellman, Jim Sinai, Colin Fleming, and Jamie Domenici.
I was creative lead on all of it, but that also means I had help. Writers Andy Beach and Jack Flynn were indispensable.
Data.com "Doors" Blog
We built blogs and social components around each video to drive interest. I wrote all of it.
Data.com Doors Social
Here's an example of the social which drove to the blog and fed top of funnel interest. It was retargeted to current Salesforce customers who would benefit from adding Data.com to their CRM.